Ankle Fracture
If you have injured your ankle—particularly if it feels like a simple sprain—it is tempting to try to carry on walking on it. Which can mean you don’t get an X-ray for days or even weeks. Untreated, there is a high risk of developing infection, arthritis, or even foot...
Hammer Toe
A hammer toe is so named because the affected toe resembles a hammer when the joint is stuck in an upright position. Initially, hammer toes are flexible and can be corrected with simple measures, but if left untreated, they can be fixed and require surgery. This...
Calcaneus Fracture
A fracture of the calcaneus, or heel bone, is a serious and disabling injury that can lead to longstanding problems in the foot and ankle. Calcaneus fractures can cause intense pain and make walking more difficult. Without treatment, they may worsen and further damage...
Ankle Fusion
Pain caused by ankle arthritis can become severe and unrelenting, greatly impacting one’s quality of life. An ankle fusion, also called ankle arthrodesis, aims to relieve the pain and maintain or improve function by fusing two or more bones in the ankle. This...